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God Of Planet Ki
May 18, 2022
Message to "divine marvelous" and anyone who giving him attention content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 14, 2022
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The Opps are moving different now. dont fear anything. dont worry. thinking about harm is at best doing nothing to protect you. thinking about being safe is what you need to do
God Of Planet Ki
May 14, 2022
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What I mean is that when you look at the Sun dont fidget or become tense. just like you being in meditation except with your eyes open and head at a different angle. still keep up the good posture and relaxedness though.
God Of Planet Ki
May 14, 2022
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I can tell you reflections that the energy is so high right now. Essentially we are fully protected. . Hydrogen is probably already in the air in increasing amounts. Yall feel it too?
God Of Planet Ki
May 13, 2022
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Now we all know reflections thata english is a language basically produced to cast spells on yourself . for example saying Good m***ning everyday is a spell. fuck that shit BRUH how many fucking "times" has someone woke up and said good m***ning to someone ?. that is probably responsible for more deaths than heart disease that's just one example here are few more H*te Sex Black Man and Woman How insulting is it to call a Goddess or God a Black Woman or Man. WE are neither black nor Human Black means blanc as in . pale. white Man is the germanic word for Man as in the species of human. The words for time as also strange Time sounds like Thyme the herb (which one came first) hour is just our week is just weak month is just moon and menstraution Second is just Second as in Second to the First because thats the time spell. its thinking about a moment ahead rather than just being in the now. Day and night are words invented by the germanic tribes. Year is another invented word so only 2-3 words mean something orignal so far Night is from NOX from is the Wife Erebus of the King of the Titans / Daemons / Ashura Decade comes from Ten and also sounds like Decayed Century is 100 millennium comes from Mile as in 1000 Eon comes from age Sleep should be rest Person means a Persona Me is the ego ETC ETC ETC clearly we didn't make this language at all. so what were the first original languages made? well there's 3 paths. 1. Our languages 2. languages we gave to Human Beings 3. Human / reptilian languages. 1. Well we have many Languages that we never actually taught to the human beings such as many tribal languages found across "australia" and "africa" a few languages also may be our languages without us really knowing it. Examples include Aztec/Mayan Zulu Khoi Khoi Samoan Tamil basque (might be the language we used before europe invasion) Kusanda """Sentilinese""" Yoruba Igbo Swahili (possibly, if not this is the origin to Arabic) and many many other tribal dialects. this may be what they meant by the tower of babel. especially since we know there are very few actual langauges between human beings yet just on australia there are probably twice as humans ever had. these languages were formed by us for either two reasons. to communicate if telepathy isn't possible or to cast spells or both. chances are the first reason isn't that common since we can use telepathy at any point but the second makes sense. so yes these languages are at least as powerful as the second category or if not then stronger they were literally made by us. 2. These are the original Languages we gave TO HUman beings. some of them work to create spells but I don't think they all work as well as each other?. So heres the first one Latin. this is the language we gave to all Human beings in the location of Europe .This is the language the Moors taught to the Europeans and this was notably the one that the enemies use the MOST out of all of them. Next is Sanskrit this is the one taught to the Human beings in the middle east and India. an incredibly powerful language that we have used ourselves too. 3rd is Arabic the origins of arabic are a bit weird.namely the fact that there are 3 possible origins for this language being Amharic Somali or Swahili so those 3 are the original. but the thing is that Somali has claims as the Original language used in Timbuktu thus being one of our languages too just like Sanskrit meaning it may be just as powerful as the tribal ones but also Swahili is like half arabic half something else but its a GOD language used in Uganda Kenya Tanzania and Mozambique. 4th Is Japanese. now this may seem far out but the fact that this language sounds so potent and pure the fact that we taught the Japanese so much about our planet and they seem to honestly respect Her more than most human beings . well some of the more traditional ones. also the Ainu clan is actually Gods anciently. look at their skin and features in the "old photos" they were pretty much "outbred" and taken over with eugenics!! 5th we have covered all places apart from the five dollar Indians. now I have a theory. some of the "native languages" are in this catagory and some are in the first. because of the fact that so far besides Chinese the languages have been matching with places that Human Beings live this one is an outlier. did these Human Beings really steal all of our langauges? probably not. some are likely unnatural completely like Inuit langauges . and some are probably given to humans but some where probably ours. which is one of the ways theyve tried to fuck the "american" Gods over with confusion!!. Seminole might be only fucking natural God Language there. 6th. Chinese or Tibetan. one of these two is natural as in God or both of them are taught. China just like all the other langauges and places are one of the original human "civilizations" . now the third catagory. the unnatural ones . 3. German german is what happens when cavemen first tried to and did not succeed in learning latin . GokTurk turkish languages are from the same cloth as german Inuit from these human beings who love cold temperatures there is no doubt that these languages are unnatural Slavic same as german you can actually see that slavic is a perverted version of sanskrit and latin by observing the similiarities between them and lithuanian . Etc human languages are essentially either from or are similiar to these languages English is an invented language that has been made using Reptilian spells and etc to cast spells on anyone who speaks it in the wrong way. the way we speak "english" isnt even english its german mixed with latin.
The original languages content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 13, 2022
In General Discussions
Your power is directly linked to and managed by your Souls alignment. thus you can only activate as much power as you are in your highest form. By filling yourself with Universal innerstanding and high vibrations. abandoning pride , low vibrational judgement and truly believing in your divinity. you will get to being as powerful as you can be. focus your intent. but dont think about intending shit. just intent on whatever you will. dont intend on intending. Abandon Time and the concept of past and future as much as you need to. everything is now.
God Of Planet Ki
May 13, 2022
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This is the shit that they distracting some of us with. The fake ass war beetween Ukraine and Russia is nothing but theatrics to district
God Of Planet Ki
May 13, 2022
In General Discussions
All these locations listed are weak points in the "Matrix" energy fields the reptilians have made. these locations contain alot of high vibrational primordial energy that causes them to be targeted by the human beings heavily. for example Ecuador is a country located on the "equator" parralel where the SUn is allways in the highest effect in uv radiation. Also at a really high altitude meaning Sol gives higher energy to those locations due to them being trees and so high. despite this the winter tech and cloud seeding is so bad its comparable if not worse to glasgow which is the hq for weather tech it seems. glasgow is where this avatar lives. and its ridicules . almost no real sunny days since they ramped it up unless I interfere with them. Why? because Ecuador is a weak point in the barrier. I had a vision where the sky shattered and tore apart revealing a whole new sky that was still day but you could see massive "planet" like ships or maybe they were planets also. I knew for sure that it was happening in Ecuador specifically this is unlikely but still "might be" be the opposite in that its a huge spot of experimental tech where the dream actually showed me blue beam going on there but honestly I think it wast I also remmembered that the sky had 2 phases the first may have been fake then the real came after . these 2 phases were different from the "Normal sky" though still Look at the sky isnt it different? besides the chemtrails it looks way different dont it?
"Matrix" weak points , Ecuador, Ethiopia Uganda Somalia, Pakistan, "oceania", Haiti, Atlanta,  content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 13, 2022
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God Of Planet Ki
May 12, 2022
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By that I mean the sky. Had a dream sky shattered and tore apart in Peru or Ecuador also (never been there in this avatar). And behind was huge planets
Yo this place looks either fake asf or everything is else fake and this is real  content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 12, 2022
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Im thinking it happens (first) from focusing intent on a certain location. then through visualisation and intent intend to be there. I dont think there is a need to intend into teleporting there as the intent of being there should be enough.
God Of Planet Ki
May 12, 2022
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Think of it like this. all of us on this forum right now are a section of the actual Gods and Goddesses that watch Divine Insight group and talk here. us who are here are cosmically linked. we were either a part of the same squad or we fond of each other or we are meant to form a new squad together because of our unique talents complement each other.. for real thats what I Think.
God Of Planet Ki
May 12, 2022
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Hate is pure opposite it is what our enemies run off of. We on the other hand are beings that are supposed to will for others their highest most superior and "happy" form. reflections never forget that "love" is literally your power.the true power of the high vibrational side .
God Of Planet Ki
May 11, 2022
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In every Goddess there is that same source. can see it in their eyes. the original creator is within you Goddesses. because you are her and everything in existence is her.
God Of Planet Ki
May 10, 2022
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besides the color and amazing healthy skin . Ever notice the darker skin gods and Goddess tend to have the most beautiful features. thats the power of carbon neuro melanin DeHydrogeny Etheric Alakaloid??. Carbon protects the avatar from toxins and allows the body to develop properly in harsh environments. . carbon is the physical manifestation of dark matter energy. 666. darkness is like source , anubis is dark. darkness invokes the most fear because it is what fear is averted to the most. thus the energy becomes chaotic and the darkness is percieved as a threat to you if you have any fear within you. Even if you didnt land with dark skin in your avatar you can invoke these genes within your DEA just by standing in the sun. Tanning is a natural proccess where the carbon is mutliplied within your body and becomes darker due to solar radiation. whys that? because carbon is indeed a powerful component within inside you. you are dark matter energy. dark matter energy is plasma energy dark matter energy is cosmic energy dark matter energy is matter dark matter energy is frequency dark matter energy is carbon. .
God Of Planet Ki
May 04, 2022
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From the series Bleach He is named LIlle (noble little or flower) Barro (barrier) , one of the main "sternritter" meaning (Star Knights) that are allied with and are quincies meaning (:estate of the fifth son.) which are beings created by a being (Yhwach who named himself after YHWH) as warriors to help him in his goal to destroy the 3 worlds hueco mundo , the infinite desert of the hollows, The soul society , The land where the "Soul reapers" reside and where souls go after passing away, and the world of the living. In terms of origin he is also the first one of these quincy beings to be made. Being a rare example of a God being portrayed in anime/manga he is also depicted as super fucking strong. His ability the X axis allows him to when he opens both of his eyes to be completely intangible like the vision from marvel and also makes any attack he makes pierce through anything in his line of sight, with perfect accuracy and without the need for projectiles. It cannot be blocked by any defense , Lille intentionally keeps his left eye closed because he believes it would be unfair to his opponents, but if he opens his eye three times in one battle, he is permitted to keep them open for the entire battle. As with all the quincy in the anime. he has a spirit weapon witch is a huge rifle heres a description I found of the weapon thats good: Diagramm (ディアグラム, Diaguramu; German for "Diagram"; Viz "Diagramme"): Lille's favored weapon manifests in the form of a large black rifle that he carries on his back underneath his cloak. Its forestock is mostly covered in dark green fur, except for a section on the underside near the end of the forestock. The end of the long barrel has a black, plus-shaped extension on it, and the stock is composed of two long, triangular protrusions that stabilize the rifle against Lille's shoulder and torso.[40][50] If part of the forestock is cut off or destroyed by an enemy attack, Lille can reform it with the appearance of black metal instead of the dark green fur.[51] Heilig Pfeil (神聖滅矢 (ハイリッヒ・プファイル), Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): Lille can fire bullet-shaped Heilig Pfeil from his rifle. They are powerful enough to destroy the cities surrounding the Soul King Palace with a single shot each.[52] Kirio Hikifune notes that they possess such power due to being composed of highly compressed Reishi.[53] However, they can still be split and deflected if cut by a sufficiently sharp blade.[54] as far as the capabilities of this guy its been seen that from scaling what he can do and comparing him to other characters he is able to move at a speed way higher than light. and capable of destroying country sized landmasses with ease. Volstandig (meaning complete) is a form the quincy have as a upgrade to their power. in this form Lille becomes Zyrael which means Gods Judge. taking on the appearance of a Seraphim the highest form of Angel Jilliel (神の裁き (ジリエル), Jirieru; Japanese for "Judgement of God"; Viz "Divine Judgement"):[55] When Lille activates his Quincy: Vollständig, a large Quincy Zeichen ending in fleur-de-lis forms in the air, centered around his left eye. Lille's Quincy: Vollständig takes the form of a large white priestly robe with several holes and eight golden wings with three holes each covering Lille, who himself gains white lines crossing his face and an oversized golden Heiligenschein above his head.[56] Lille can alter the appearance of Jilliel to some extent, notably by fraying out the ends of his robe into a skirt-like section while granting himself shoes which each have two long points jutting downward, one at the toes and one at the heel.[57] Upon being granted power by Yhwach's Auswählen, Lille's Quincy: Vollständig granted him a set of white, feathery Reishi wings.[58] Lille teleports inside a building. Teleportation: Lille can teleport to another location, where he appears as a spiralling circle that grows into his body.[59] Flight: Using his eight wings, Lille can remain stationary in and fly through the air.[60] The X-Axis (Enhanced): Lille can fire multiple shots at an opponent from the holes in his wings.[61] With his power active, Lille is constantly in a state of spatial intangibility, rendering him virtually untouchable by physical attacks and even Kidō.[62] By firing from six of the holes in his wings at once, Lille can produce a blast powerful enough to blow through a large portion of a city.[63] Lille can also fire powerful blasts from locations far away from his body by forming portals in the air, from which he unleashes the blasts.[64] as a second form of this he looks like this Second Form: Unlike most Sternritter, Lille can access a second form of his Quincy: Vollständig. Entering it will regenerate any body parts that Lille has lost.[65] In this form, he gains a new, fair-skinned head with slicked-back hair similar to that of a human, but with the eyes, nose, and beak of an owl. His Heiligenschein is drastically reduced in size and gains spikes, and Lille's neck is elongated, resembling the body of a snake with white fur on its back. His wings now resemble those of bats instead of angels, tapering to points and losing their feathery shapes. In addition, his shoes extend dramatically in horizontal length, giving him the appearance of a centaur, and his eyelids open and close horizontally instead of vertically.[66] He can also manipulate the size and shape of his head at will, as well as move his eyes around to any location on his head.[67] Limb Generation: Lille can create long arms for himself that have light-colored greaves and long fingers on each hand.[68] Sabaki no Kōmyō (裁きの光明, Ray of Judgement): Lille can fire thin waves of energy from his forearms and hands. These energy waves can pierce through entire cities, and areas in its path are riddled with explosions.[69] Lille generates a ball of light. Light Generation: Lille can form a large ball of light in front of his outstretched hand, allowing him to erase any nearby shadows at the cost of creating some on his own body.[70] Trompete (神の喇叭 (トロンペーテ), Toronpēte; German for "Trumpet", Japanese for "Trumpet of God"): Lille creates a large trumpet out of Reishi before using it to fire an enormous blast powerful enough to erase a large part of a city.[71] not sure what to think of this one because it has the head of a owl , looks unatural to me in that regard. Positive insight Gods and Godesses
check out this anime character  content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 04, 2022
In General Discussions
Here in this list i will be mentioning locations that have alot of high vibrational sunlight radiation and heat. not so much about "history" but more about location ley lines parrallels "weather" and temperature . all 33rd parallel cities in the "us" (atlanta) look at that sky, these locations are pretty important and great overall if you are already located in the "usa" for many reasons such as the fact that the 33rd parralel line runs through them thus having alot of KI energy flow in from the planet and subsequently photon energy from the sun at higher vibrations, Located at the center area of the realm somewhere like atlanta and georgia have alot of natural energy built up and also experience heavy solar energy due to lesser cloud coverage compared to other "states" some aswell with arizona. one thing to note that just as this is a great location to charge up your own energy the enemies also like to cast spells and sacrifices with their energy at these locations too. 2. Kush, Nubia and Timbuktu (west bank of luxor) (giza or timbuktu?) (marsa alam) This location is also pretty great. located along the same vein as the 33rd parallel and sharing a link to the Titan Ocean and the same "sea" as the Caribbean (remember the maps they use are false) also being in the location of Timbuktu alot of energy flows here just like in the "usa" . a major thing here are the temperatures and heat. all in all in the north the "weather" is cooler but in the south and in Giza "weather" is decently hot.. reaching 45-55 degrees in Luxor and Aswan or 40 degrees average in Cairo, (Celsius) the air is although less humid unless in a city near Cairo or near the Sea causing the heat to be in a situation where it feels less hot but also causes more detoxing through sweating but also more dehydration aswell. the sand causes the floor to get very hot also which is nice. the "Southern" region also known as Nubia is also majority GOD and GODESS in terms of who lives there. prices are cheap , but be aware this is a muslim majority country and some people cant be religious freaks here that will throw a tantrum if you take your shirt off or something. 3. the "Gulf" (al ain) This place id only really reccomend for the heat. and there is ALOT of Heat here. in the "summer" temperatures can get to about 40 degrees average with highs being regularly 45+ or even 50+. the key here though is that the humidity is actually high. so because of that the heat index can be upwards of 120-140 degrees Celsius. which is why the cities and towns are pretty much empty during the day because most human beings now cant bear this level of intense high vibrational air and photon energy. so you see the heat here is intense but besides that , the price and the level of quality of living id say isnt all too high here in terms of how opressive the gov may be or how natural everything would be. 4.Chile (a tree stump in the Atacama dessert they named "Llullaillaco" home to the Atacama desert . this place is full of photon energy. due to the high altitudes and low cloud coverage the Atacama can get more than 4x the amount of sunlight uv radiation than for example arizona there are some other reasons to come here. for example the native tribes and also the northern cities look nice in terms of appearance but to be honest this place I would go to just to be near these massive tree stumps. maybe even climbing to the top of one and being there for a bit. its extreme levels of radiation going on here, heat wise apparently it can get cold near the high altitudes due to theri winter tech trying to weaken the trees here. but its a hot place otherwise 5.tanzania (Dar es salaam, note that there still can be chemtrails here, but very rarely compared to the USA or Europe) (dodoma) (a beach in Zanzibar I think) (The Great Tree Kilimanjaro) now I could have picked literally any place in so called "Africa" in this place and it would be good so keep that mind. but Tanzania is also great. ranging in temperatures all around Tanzania is one of the most anti Vax places in terms of countries, Tanzania has almost allways been open to travel during the "lockdown" Tanzania is located in a place where it guarantees that the temperature is never cold. Tanzania is super organic and beatiful. Tanzania has the largest standalone Tree on this realm (atleast within the ice barrier) named Kilimanjaro. allways experiences high photon radiation especially in the place known as Dodoma Yeah Tanzania is great. 6.The Final one on this list is. India (ghats ) (chennai) (chenaai) ( a beach) (Shiva statue) Specifically South India but all of this place has ALOT of hidden beauties first of all check out this whole channel to learn how advanced our ancestors and we were. second of all. the population is the south is majority God. its very hot and its not as polluted as the north.
Some places to visit to get CHARGED UP content media
God Of Planet Ki
May 01, 2022
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this combination really allows one to get deeper into meditation and astral travel easier and makes dreams even more vivid and more inclined to be "good" dreams that provide information or insight or a good experience in general to you. Ashwagandha also kills stress and increases testosterone in Gods . Got it and it really does work
God Of Planet Ki
May 01, 2022
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notice the lack of spots on the Gods and Goddesses. but also a few white people there, what do you think explains that??. 🤔🤔
any thoughts on this UV light camera clips? content media
God Of Planet Ki
Apr 28, 2022
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Now this post is not to promote watching shows. actually you shouldnt be doing it mostly. its a form of distraction but still know that most of these shows have ALOT of real facts. more than you will find in 20 years of "education" . First of i reccomend buying a eizo computer monitor screen and watching these shows using a low brightness to prevent "light codes" effecting you at all. (know that with your mind you can negate these from harming you anyway but this is a really really good tip ). . first ill start off in a list. basically a top of what shows you will find the most truth within alright. dragon ball naruto bleach one piece fullmetal alchemist hunterxhunter AOT (season 1-3) (this ones really metaphorical not as much literal) a possibly preferable alternative would be to listen to or watch YouTube videos on these shows about the powers and story etc.

God Of Planet Ki

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