I was in the break room with 2 elderly white people, after eating some fast food I wasn’t feeling good and let em know that I was feeling like throwing up, they said to turn away and let them know when I was finished so they could keep their appetite, not even asking if I was okay,
humans truly can’t empathize because they have no souls so I don’t blame them and even made a joke about how they didnt ask if I was okay.....I stand up to leave and stretch and the male asked if I was okay, I said
“I’m good, I’m a God”
the room went silent as I walked out the break room the old white lady said to the old white guy “he figured it out”
I can’t even ride by a fast food joint without smelling it and, get sick let alone eating it.
Stay away from that fast food that’s definitely the worse that u can eat reflection.
That's deep Reflection