The following info came from Supreme999God
(TikTok, Telegram, YouTube)
"" Grand Rising Kings and Queens
I released a video about manifestation and here I will say other things that may help you regarding this subject.
You must know that you are constantly shaping and manifesting your so-called reality. You are doing it at any moment, you do it with your thoughts, the words you speak and your actions.
Your thoughts are electrical impulses they carry different frequencies depending on the thoughts you are entertaining and they affect you by giving you different types of feelings always depending on you and the thoughts you are entertaining. Here's what's interesting your thoughts go to the Universe as vibrations/frequencies and she sends it back to you multiplied. For example when you have a "bad " thought, you'll have other bad thoughts that will come along with the first thought... that's the Universe. These thoughts will make you act and say different things which will lead you to a certain experience in your reality. Action is how you operate in this realm, you can't expect anything if you don't take actions and these actions come automatically like a domino effect based upon your thoughts and the words you speak over yourself. Because as I told you words are spells that's why we say spelling and I've been telling you all this long that you are the power you seek outside, you just have to go inside.
So for example if you are saying :
I am dumb
I am ugly
I can't afford this...
Thus shall be because that's what you are spellcasting over yourself whenever you say "I" you are referring to your true essence meaning the Soul if you are a God/Goddess and meaning the Spirit if you are a Human being so be careful.
Instead if you say :
I am awesome
I am unstoppable
I can't count my blessings
Thus shall be, that's what you'll experience
In this part I will talk about Action. In the video I made an example with an athlete, but YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING. There's no limits.
Let's say you want to manifest Abundance... Abundance is not only money as you think but everything. It can be love, health or any other form of Abundance but I will take money for example because I innerstand that's the only thing you're interested in and I know it's not your fault either you can't do nothing in this physical realm without it...
So you want to manifest money, here's the actions you'll have to make
1) visualize the kind of life you want to live and don't restrain yourself. Visualize it.
2)Once you've done visualizing it ask yourself ;
How much money would I have to make to feel comfortable?
(You have to be specific with the amount and which bases like it can be daily, monthly a year etc... We know time ain't real but for this topic I have to make sure you innerstand what I'm trying to teach you)
How would I feel if I was already living this lifestyle right now?
So once you ask yourself these types of questions answers honestly and then start writing down the answer in the present tense you must see yourself already there as you're answering.
Now that you've done that you have to speak it out loud with confidence.
You can speak it loud 3 times in the morning 6 times in the evening and 9 times before you go to rest. This is one of our ancient techniques.
If you've done everything right every time you'll speak or read what you wrote down you'll feel excited you'll feel like you're already living this lifestyle and that's what you want because that's how the Universe will give you your lifestyle.
Here's what you must know... You don't have to know how because you can't. The Universe has unlimited resources to make things happen you'll never know how it will come your job is to match the frequency of your Goal the Universe will do the rest.
When I say the Universe will do the rest I mean for example it can happen that you find extra money on your bank account out of nowhere, she can also present you an opportunity to open a business through someone you know before or someone new and if you refuse you are only delaying yourself from your goal . What I mean is don't interfere with the "how" but get ready to engage the "doing" when and if it comes.
If for example it happens that you got offered to buy a car to fulfill the lifestyle you are manifesting and you don't have the money yet... Don't say I can't afford this go and feel the car do everything as if you were going to buy it (I mean drive test not giving your payments details) enjoy everything and see yourself already owning it driving to your loved ones etc.. At the end of the experience you just have to tell them politely that you like to keep the best for last and that at the moment you need to think about it then you give them an approximate date that you'll come back and leave.
Once you leave your job is not to worry about how it will happen but just focus on already owning that car and I guarantee you if you do that by the date you gave them you'll buy the car.
You must act on what you are manifesting. If you are manifesting wealth you have to act like a wealthy person it's that simple.
--& THIRD--
If you are VIBRATING LOW nothing that I've just taught, will work for you. However what I've just taught, is supposed to raise your vibration into matching it to the vibration of what you are manifesting. So if you do it right it will work.
Here's the most important thing, you have to manifest ONE THING at times. The reason for that is not because the Universe is not able to give it to you at once, but you are not that powerful to manifest many things at once and you are not that powerful because with great power comes great responsibility. Meaning you have to be able to keep your blessings once you have them otherwise you'll be right back at the beginning that's why you should do one manifestation at a time. If you do many it will take you long because you are not that powerful for it to come faster. Just think of it as an internet connection you are a 3G expecting to download 19T of packages you'll lag a lot, unless you become a 19T connection but the problem stands that you've just discovered that you are 3G and you haven't mastered that yet, so how can espect to skip the process...
There's nothing wrong with taking a step at a time I still do it myself. It forces you to choose your priorities wisely. ""
You spoke all facts! Asè God💯
Well said God 🗣️🌀✨