Rashad jamal told us "satan has many names" and so does Thoth!! Djehuti, tehuti, mercury, Hermes, nabu, iblis, Idris, Enoch, the phoenix, the peacock angel, the messenger, the trickster, the enlightened one, the morning star, the eagle, the thunderbird, all of these names go back to this nigga, if you haven't did your research yet then I suggest you do so immediately 💪🏾✌🏾🪬👁stay woke family https://youtu.be/qEbvTg0G1jY

Its true. Do u know how many incarnations anig had? Dont disrespect. Thats the 1
✌🏿Deep ✌🏿
That’ a numerous list of titles🤔
The same goes for the colonizers. They were always changing their names. Do you know that Yakub =James. Wasn’t it king James. who sent his people to colonize the Americas. All these names and labels have a direct connection to all of us and what we had to and are still going through. It had to take place for us to ascend to become something new.