They have him to long without trial on made up charges. We should create a chat or something to get better connected. There messing with his videos and his site and i ahvent got all of the downloads yet i was so close to getting the last couple of ones.
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It's been almost a year, and no trail???? Something not right, and his Live Lectures aren't working and I remember someone saying his YouTube videos use to say divine insight but it's now changed to Rashad Jamel after he was arrested... So I just been feeling really lost and confused and I sense a shift, I don't think he's ok, but I HOPE he is🤎 we gotta stop being some house negro like the God said and COME TOGETHER
Right... I've been saying this for days under his videos, no one cares... 4 people hearted and 27 views and no one COMMENTS!!!! This is a perfect place for communication. I'm all the way in CT, I will try and make it out there if we all come together and figure something out