You don’t have adhd that’s a made up disorder so they could drug nd separate us from the white kids. Segregation 2.0. Now my wife’s son has autism not easy to deal with. I recommend meditation everyday for at least 30 min. I also recommend you clean your diet up nd take anything away that has harmful chemicals in it. The metals in your brain is what gives you autism so if you cleanse your neurological functions you can actually get rid of your autism. I also recommend Epsom salt nd hydrogen bath as it will pull all sorts of toxins out of your body nd you’ll see it in the bath water. Keep researching your herbs God your fruits nd herbs will be your best friends. Hope this helped
My best advice for you my beautiful reflection would be to find someone where in nature that comforts you keep your feet in the soil smoke indica specifically to help sooth and calm you burning cinnamon and blue sage should help too if you don’t know indica off sight it’s usually shorter and darker short fat and dark
You don’t have adhd that’s a made up disorder so they could drug nd separate us from the white kids. Segregation 2.0. Now my wife’s son has autism not easy to deal with. I recommend meditation everyday for at least 30 min. I also recommend you clean your diet up nd take anything away that has harmful chemicals in it. The metals in your brain is what gives you autism so if you cleanse your neurological functions you can actually get rid of your autism. I also recommend Epsom salt nd hydrogen bath as it will pull all sorts of toxins out of your body nd you’ll see it in the bath water. Keep researching your herbs God your fruits nd herbs will be your best friends. Hope this helped
My best advice for you my beautiful reflection would be to find someone where in nature that comforts you keep your feet in the soil smoke indica specifically to help sooth and calm you burning cinnamon and blue sage should help too if you don’t know indica off sight it’s usually shorter and darker short fat and dark