When we talk about frequency and vibration, we have to know exactly how it works. Vibration or frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). There is a frequency scale called the Solfeggio frequencies and they are aligned with each chakra. You can look up your favorite song in a specific frequency where you want to focus on a certain chakra. You can also go to a tone generator and play a pure frequency or look up a Solfeggio frequency sound bowl and listen while in meditation.
Peace reflections, Ase
Well said, God. I didn't know all of this but I have been listening to Solfeggio frequencies every now & then. Thank you. I also been on the waterfall soundz on YouTube. Listening to Water is my Thang Thang. Peace, LoVe & Light to all of my God's & Goddesses. I leave as I come. AseĀ³