You don’t understand do you this is not  religion you don’t praise ancestors or Nature that’s abuse so your basically saying you just wanna be saved lol then you have long ways to go 
Are you talking about me? If so is that im trying what you said in your video, that’s why i said big facts, i been taking care of myself and others along the way, im trying to be prepared for anything and that’s it, whatever happens, happens. ReeNavida why comment if it’s only gonna lead to pointless arguments, calling me fake (idc at all) but you don’t even know me friend, why assume right away, that’s literally one of the worst problems of the world right now, assumptions without even trying to read and think. Peace 🕉🧿✊🏽
True and wasn’t talking about you but ree I’m glad that you are and everybody else but I didn’t make the video I just agree as well bc this is very true do everything you need to do to keep away for Humanity
Uci is a app that was meant for Communication this is the internet bass what do you expect… what you want me to do make reports and say uci is falling apart I can’t and won’t start your own journey and stop waiting on the next god or goddesses to tell you what’s right
Speaking big facts
Shit funny ta me you see they done burned the uci to the ground