In short if anyone doesn't have the time to watch, she recommends that we/Rashad's legal team look into counter suing the plantiff to essentially discredit his "bm's" character. It came out ZaZa's (assumed) paternal father provided proof of a DNA test and the BM has known about the real father of ZaZa. The victim in this case also isn't providing testimony so it's Rashad v. his BM. Anyone in GA should visit a legal library and look into counter suing actions that Rashad can take it's free. If he can counter sue and prove the BMs character has been shifty (in leymans terms), it may dismiss the original case as it is all based on testimony (he said she said) vs actual proof -- this is my interpretation of this hour long Live video but I still recommend those watch. Meditation is cool and all but we must use our energy in motion instead of using emotion family! We have to move in the 3D the petitions repeatedly get taken down, we must physically use our brains and any legal knowledge to assist him! #AseFamily
Must watch For sure.. Free the God #whereisrashadjamal