Peace to The World, Balance to The Mother And Father Consciousness, And most importantly Praise be to the Most High The Soul Source!! Reflection Family Cosmic Love And Wisdom Always.
May the Source Guide And Protect you All My Family! Below I've mentioned A few Absolutely Essential Authors for those inclined to heed the Message ! if you recognize any of the Names don't hesitate to say so. Remember if you don't Learn from your History you're bound to repeat it.
Elijah Bey -Stanley L. Poole
Marcus Garvey - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
W.E.B. Dubois - Levi Dowling "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ"
Charles Filmore - Kathryn Ponder "Secrets Of the Ages"
Thomas Moore - June Singer
Manly P Hall -Jacob Boehme
Alvin Boyd - Henry Corbin
Josef Ben Jocannon - Immanuel Kant
Ivan van Sertima - Meisler Eckhart
Ibn Muhammed Al Rashad -
Professor Shlomo Sand -
Kathryn Ashinono -
E.D, Bovil -
Arthur Schopenhauer -
Carl Jung -
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