A, E, I, O, U are the voWels of language and sounds outside of language. Sound out the voWels right now and you'll hear the frequency from A-U go high to low. That's why when you hear someone say "hey, you." Everyone reacts or looks at the direction of where the lower vibrational sound of U came from. Just like when someone is cheering in joy, happiness, or glee; they say "Ayyy." It's already in us to feel these frequencies.
One thing I would like to say also, out of all the letters, W is sounded like "double U" and the shape of W is like the vital signs of your heart "beat", also similar to the frequencies of energy. (the image of the letter W)
Ti is transcending energy or intent, and other things I can't describe with language.
Ti-Do represents a energy cycle, wether it be high or low.