Recently for me at night I be catching these ominous weird drone like things flying in the sky. The best way I can describe them is jet black looking things that have a few different separate lights flicking on them but real dim like. The best size comparison that we know down here in this physical rim right now would be helicopters but I noticed they will be slightly little larger than them and they will be hovering very low in the sky while going way slower than a helicopter wood and made no sound. Beside these descriptions I can't describe it further more than that other than something I can't recognize. First time I seen them I haven't had a urge to share what I saw but then I seen it a second time and feel a need to.
And the reason I haven't said "UFOS" because it truly did look very drone like.
And what I really think they are is one of two things.
1: either what divine insight said about they have drones that can be invisible to follow or examine a person or people.
2: or the AI drones they plan to or already put out in the United States, it was one of us in the University that show us this I'm going to go see if I can find the link when done typing.
3: or both..
And the reason I say I feel like something might happen this week or the next because I just feel it is, but I could be wrong.
Just felt an urge to share family. P.E.A.C.E.🤲🏿
Peace fam
Found it right here.