In the dream, I was with friends when we met a Coyote [Coyo] that befriended me instantly. While others were scared, I wasn't, I immediately felt a comnection. A dog came towards us and started growling at the coyote. The coyote started to get aggressive by growling back. I calmed it down by saying "Hey!", she stopped and came towards me. Another dog, a black one, appeared and the Coyote growled at it. I said "Hey!" again, and the Coyote stopped and listened. I got it to go in the garage by saying "Go inside."
Now my dream transitions to a sort of flash back.
In the flashback, I was back in Africa, or atleast that's what I believed it was. I looked into the distance and saw a lady using fear to tame a Coyote with a stick, smacking it against the ground made the Coyote put it's head down in fear. I turned my head to face forward and to my surprise, I encountered a different Coyote on the other side of the path. I looked at my hands and noticed I had a stick in my hand, and the Coyote moved away after I looked back up to it, but it didn't leave my presence, it just distanced itself for protection. I looked back at my hand and put the stick on the ground, and I had my hands out similar to this 👐🏾, showing to the Coyote that my hands were empty, signaling a non-threatening demeanor. I gained its' trust and it even allowed me to pet it. It even sat next to me. Then my dream transitions to me returning to my house with the newfound Coyote companion.
I introduced the Coyote to everyone in the house, which was very surprising them. One of them, a white man, grabbed a rifle off the wall and pointed it at the Coyote. I told him not to shoot, that the animal wasn't there to cause harm. After a little bit, they understood its non-threatening behavior after I commanded it to do tricks, even the man with the rifle put the rifle away and said "Seems like you found yourself a new friend".
Another transition, the final one, was when I was walking down some steps and I stopped to sit down to eat cheese (random asf I know). I fed the Coyote cheese and it liked it, and I found myself sitting with it, sharing cheese.
The Coyote unexpectedly spoke, said that the cheese texture was "gooey," in a woman's voice. I responded, "So you don't like it?" And it said back to me "No, I like it" and I responded with "you gotta get used to it". I shit you not, I legit stopped for like 3 seconds (fucking flaggergasted , relfection) before I realized it could talk. I looked back at it and asked , "Wait! You can talk?!" And it responded with a warm-hearted laugh that followed, "Yes, I can". Everything went white, causing the dream to end with this remarkable revelation.
Thank you for reading, reflection.
I had something similar, but my dreams, or “be-ings” in my dreams probably don’t want me to see to much or experience too much. In this life, I’m sort of blind (my eyesight is sort of blurry) but in my dreams it’s so clear and vivid, but I don’t usually notice I’m dreaming until I get up from my sleep or recharging. I can sleep for “5 minutes” to “hours” and I would still dream.
Besides that, a dream that was similar to that was me “be-ing” in nature, but I was next to a walmart (I used to work at that walmart in my dream) so I went in but as I went in I teleported back outside as if I was exiting with stuff in a bag as if I bought some things, but as I’m outside, I see a tree where I was earlier in the dream, and there were two foxes, just having fun and I was admiring them and I thought they were kind of cute and so I thought they were friendly so I slowly walked up trying to not seem intimidating, but as I was walking up there, there was a mountain lion hiding in the grass (the grass was tall, and I’m a tall guy so I was able to see kind of far) and I seen the mountain lion noticed that I noticed it. So the mountain tried to attack the foxes but came after me because it knew I was trying to be friends with the foxes, but after a few scratches I “killed” the mountain lion, then another showed up, I thought it was the mother mountain lion this “time”, and she decided to attack too but attacked me because I “killed” the other mountain lion, she attacked me too and I got beat up bad but I ended up “killing” the mountain lion. As I’m laying on the ground with deep scratches and wounds, I try to see if the foxes were ok, and I see a baby mountain lion staring from a distance, but I was too hurt to get up and I was in a defensive mind state where I thought the baby mountain lion had to “die” too because it seen me “kill” it’s mother and father, and for some reason there’s people just standing around, some people that I recognized and some I didn’t, and I said “kill it before it decides to have hatred for humans because of what I did”, but everyone just stood there as if they didn’t hear me but definitely seen what happened, but then I decided to blink because of the sweat and pain I was going through in the dream and I got up from my dream and it stuck with me every since.
As I am typing this, and I thought of this before, but I think it’s because I try to stop things from hurting each other as much as I can and I end up hurting my self, but hurting my self could also lead up to other paths that weren’t supposed to happen. But your story of your dream made me think of it and I thank you for sharing your dream with “us” reflection, I think it’s sort of necessary but for each individual spirit and soul to process their dreams and how they want to use the information they received through the other worlds.
I actually said that shyt myself, like I was there lol
Before I read that talking part, I was saying to myself that he wasn't shocked it talked lol! You need to write a book reflection