our hair is our bodies akashic record and the physical manifestation of our electricity. hair grows everywhere on you. Your body functions similar to ki because the creators are one in the same. because you are everything your body is a part of everything so every unique property of it can connect you to the divine or source or all. hair constantly gets cut and grows back like all the plant life on this plane. so me saying this i'm saying that maintaining more of your hair no matter where it is on your body you maintain more energy and more energy = mroe memories and more downloads and more awareness. this is because the energy or electricity that was flowing through your body during every single milisecond of this experience or existence transmute itself into memories on you that will increase intuition and awareness because the energy from your experience of everything around you is on you. this is achieved through hours of deep meditation
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just like words are are angels or angles these lines that make up this very sentence are symbols that influence and manipulate the geometric structure of our merkabah and when speaking or thinking can unintentionally manipulate the genomic structure our reality simply through speech alone damn near
when in the sunlight when your eyes focus onto your eyelashes you see light-codes. eyelashes are another form of ether or “hair”