don’t pay attention to things that distract and hurt you do everything with intent for every single action you take every thing you give your energy to means you're doing A RITUAL for yourself. for example what you eat. you consume things to become one with and take on the complete physical and electrical properties of said thing.Thoughts become words words become action becomes your life. Manifestation is the deletion of the time spell
and the true realization of The key to it is to live be think and flow as you already have said thing in the now because you do. it is complete awareness that there is and only will be the moment and to focus in the moment . Cause that Is all there truly is. Everything is occurring now. pair this with intense meditation and visualization to the correct frequencies to achieve extreme heights. LADIES GENTLEMAN. i have something extremely important you all need to hear. and this might hurt. if we want to ascend toour true potential. we have to harness ALL OUR LIFE FOURCE ENERGY. NOW , in this current state we are in WHAT IS OUR LIFE FORCE ENERGY making itself know to us as? SEXUAL ENERGY!!! AND THIS CREATES LIFE ALL LIFE. in order to truly ascend we all need to abstain from this. now this energy is not SEXUAL ENERGY. ITS IS CREATIVE ENERGY. AS SUPREME BEINGS WE ARE CREATED TO CREATE AND EXPAND. what we know as "SEXUAL URGES" are in reality the Urge TO CREATE as the supreme being you so desire to be. it has been prevented and manipulated to be bound to the root chakra that's why porn is free and so heavily promoted and abundant. THIS GOES FOR BOTH WOMEN AND MEN. even though a woman's release is internal they still release life force enrgy when they orgasm. the same as men. however this release is internal but the effects are still as staggering and harmful without intent. sex without intent is recreational and recreational sex is carnal and if not used with intent can preform more harm than good. we recieve this energy directly from source with this energy we can CREATE OUR REALITY. and manifest WHATEVER WE WANT. without we will continue to wonder AROUND with little to know control over our true abilities.
💯Thank you for the insight reflection beautiful download you give us 💜🖤