Before getting into it. It is important to at least read my latest or previous posts, for more context to this one. I also ask to add on to and expand the info and stuff I give. Put this into practice. If you want to use my write-ups as a starting foundation or guide to help you. Do so...
Here is the previous Post:
This will be a shorter write up, than usual. Just briefly touching further on a couple things I mentioned before, and haven't. I know I may repeat the same stuff a lot, but it is needed for some to finally get how they are meant to get it. If you read this, Please keep an open mind. Tap in and see further about what I wrote here and my other posts. I try to go in-depth as I can, with my write-ups. If anything is spelled wrong or you all want this taken down. Just say a bunch in the comments, and I'll take it down or update it... I will start to put certain Hashtags on my post so it is easier to find, when searching. Something simple and easy to recall. Also I will put [MUST READ] in the title. Will also number them. From the feedback of my first Write-Up, these seem to really help. I'm explaining this so it won't be or come off as attention seeking or obnoxious or anything negative. Here what the tag will be; #ShortHelp
Community Reads aka Community E-Papers:
I'm going to start creating Community Threads focused on different topics to try and help Organize this Community. This first one will be about Rashad Jamal. So any Updates, Questions or anything. Share links to other post that people post here about him, in the comment section. One thing that may help Organize the comments is to put a Certain Tag ahead of your comment, so it will be easy to find certain things and won't be mess. This is a Thread to keep alive by not just me, but this Community. I will also post links to future community threads, and my write-ups in each one. New and Old. If anything is not correct. Please say in detail in the comments what is not, and where within this thread... I'll have the Upper Case of the title be either: Community Read or Community E-Paper. E' means Electronic or Digital... Remember, any info found that can be useful for whatever. Please download, document, write down and expand on it and share it.
Here are the links to The Reads aka E-Papers on here in order:
Here are the links to my other Post on here in order:
3.) (Previous Post before this current one)
First are some short things that could help, up keep this website:
The community here must organize these forum posts. Find the most helpful and informative ones, and stay posting them as new posts. This is a way to keep things not such a mess, considering how many post are on here. For example is a post that many seem to like, by Collette Gemini. Whenever there is video or videos that may have actual info, make sure to download them. I wrote about ways you can do this in a previous post, that I'll share.
Here is the post:
Another is how many on here ask and try to get others for Meditation or Mass Meditation. But none seem to really care to try and communicate under the comments, or say how can we contact each other somewhere else. There is no seriousness to what some are trying to positively push here. Instead of saying it is important to Meditate. Go into deep detail about why, what it can bring, how it can help. Not just say do it and that is it. This applies to other things that are said on here, with no context. What does ASE mean, for example? Why are there not regularly posted post that update and remind of what these mean?... Again, I wrote about these things before in previous post I'll link. I you can't come together on here or an app, how do you expect to come together in real life? Things must be gotten together. I wrote about this before, about how this place is dead and how there is no real support for each other. Lack of actually communication. As if you all are nothing but Bots, saying the same peace and greetings, over and over. Must help each other find things, truly work together. Example again is the Collette Gemini post. Somebody asked if they could help find a book.
Here is the screen shot:
Find things in real life and online, and find a way to either send them to whoever in real or share them online. Tell and put into practice these types of things, so to help get away from the money. I wrote about this in a previous post.
Lastly. You could find and download Rashad's and Other helpful videos, and do one of those 247 streams, that broadcast these videos. To help get more exposure on things that can help uplift. One of the main problems is that most people are ignorant, meaning they do not know and are unaware. Add wrong and hurtful information on top of that. It creates more than a mess. There must better communication on here. Not just you looked at the post, or liked it. Again, if none can come together in any true way online, how do you expect to do it in real life? Get serious, get it together. I mentioned this in a previous post, I'll link. We need to help each other, more than ever. If one us calls out for help. See what is up, and try to take action beyond words or text. If it is a thing that one wants help with that is better spoken about in real life or over the phone or email. In the comment section or wherever on here, ask, actually talk to each other, see how this can be done. Quit being paranoid, lazy, ignorant or unkind, closed minded or whatever and saying this is bugged or that is tapped and infiltrated. When it has already been established that most to all things have already been, because of being tools. If you truly mean this, then why do you still use a phone or not living out in the middle of nowhere? I mentioned this before in a previous post.
Here are two examples of the 247 stuff. If want more info, just look into how to do 247 hour streams:
Second: Other short things that can help
I went into this in a previous post I wrote. But I'll shortly go into it again here. So please read that for more context on this, and other things.
Here is that specific write-up:
This community, just as you all kept starting petitions for Rashad. Should setup gofundmes or something, to help buy up books of not just our people, but ones that can truly help. Along with supplies. Give back to our people. Buy up libraries, meaning own them. Buy up buildings and land around you, and look into what is under them. No matter how big or small the buildings look. Could be in more down looking part of where you live. It don't matter. This can be done only if work together. There's many ways to raise up money online and offline for this. Must aggressively and consistently find and promote our people's businesses and other stuff. Both online and in real life. Create detailed guides and books with pictures in it, to help our people everywhere. The wicked and wrong always do it in floods, and instead of taking things into our own hands. Our misguided, mentally defeated and scared people just complain. This will stop. If somebody is hitting you. Are you gonna cry about it, or start taking control of things? Overtake the false bullshit, with the truth. Doing so, like a mentioned in a previous post, there can be and will be no denying. Can't change truth. Create actual support systems and methods both online and real life. Where our people are able to learn from it, where they do not have to keep coming back, because what was given is enough for them to stand on their own and do what need to be done. Make this a practice. I've brought about land and property stuff, in a previous post of wrote, that I'll post... I spoke about this in a previous post. Get together, create communities and streams anywhere you can. Even twitter has voice chat community things and live stream service. I've seen some of our people already using it. Get organized, focused, aggressive and consistent with things online and in real life. With promoting our stuff and giving actual comprehensive information. Create hashtags and dedicated communities on social media outlets, for this, that have people to weed out the bad and get rid of them so no bad apples to ruin and rot, what is being built. Calling them out. For real life, until places are bought, find spots where there is no distractions and talk to each other. See how all are doing, create trust, connect. Create a growing community to help and protect the surrounding area. Have your own walk around task force to check and investigate everywhere, in the day and night. Make sure to sharpen and learn skills, like detective work and all the other tricks. Some of you may have served in some force, that you can help give back to your people. Create sub-groups with our youth and older, like neighborhood watchers or something. We don't need stupid pieces of paper to do this. If I remember correctly, that is what The Spook Who Sat by the Door, was about.
Here is The Spook Who Sat by the Door by Sam Greenlee:
Both online and in real life, we must organize our information. Not have them be a mess, to make it easy for confusion. That is one the many problems; Ignorance, Confusion, Lack of Guidance and Know-How. Again, even with stuff about Rashad, when something pops up. None promote. If any do look into him, because of the Lack and other stuff I mentioned. Once they see those Lies, have it be articles or whatever. They will believe it, no question. Reason is because of the wicked, degenerate and sell-outs of our people, always being put at the front and in the mix. This only causes more divide, self-hatred and confusion and no trust among our people. I wrote about this mix of truth and lies in a previous post, and how to deeply tell who is who, how to know, how to look into them. What It really means to look into, tap into. One example of a fraud is Billy Carson. Many of our people have spoken, shit on, and exposed him. But as I mentioned before. The Positive videos that out number the negative, by the loads, are shadow banned to be hard to find or taken down. This is why it is important to download and archive like I said. Another who may not be as fucked up, but rashad has mentioned he had his number. Is Charleston White. He is misguided and says lots of false but true things. If we can gather up truth info like I mentioned before, and actually speak to him. Better if able to in real life. He can be another powerful of us. For example he confuses what he does sometimes, as snitching instead of exposing. Snitching is if you are doing actual good for your people, an informant or something as such, gets in or gets some critical info and snitches a.k.a tells the "Authorities." Remember what happened to Fred Hamton? Exposing is what I've been telling how it can be done. Finding about these wicked and degenerate of our and any other's people, and constant putting out the evidence and sources, so people will never forget. Especially the young who were not around. It is worse when you're too young to even know about, these people's evil bullshit. Even worse if you were around yet don't inform the youth, and keep up the reminders to all, with ruthless aggression and consistency... As for crystals and other stuff. Just because you can find some here, doesn't mean it is the only place. Stop saying you can find some here, or find a local. Actually help and tell how. Not be like a bum store worker, you ask where this is and they over there. But where? You just pointed and said. Everybody's mind don't work like yours, keep this in mind. Do better. Not all of us are in a quite correct position to do certain things. Only just enough. That where the ones of us arrive, to help fill in those holes. If not you then many who you don't want will, and they have been.
Since I mentioned that Billy Carson stuff. Here are some videos:
Source: Rashad Jamal 3.0 @rashadjamal3.083: KALI - EXPOSES BILLY CARSON -
Source: Rashad Jamal 3.0 @rashadjamal3.083: BILLY CARSON - EXPOSED (INDUSTRY PLANT) -
Source: Rashad Jamal 3.0 @rashadjamal3.083: KALI AMUNRA - BREAKS BILLY CARSON DOWN -
Shadow Ban Info to look more into, along with other related stuff that was shown on this website before:
As for the ones of our people who're not from north america. They have much worse when it pertains to how mentally sick and scared they are. Lied to about being the motherland or whatever else nonsense. Plus the constant broadcasting and promotion of the criminals, killers and rapist of them, who enter in north america. Don't help. So most just focus on all of them are bad, but if done to us, it is no not all of us. Same for them. The American Indian Community of us, both online and off, not all but more than a handful. Are caught up in this false thinking. Plus with all this new, energy and info coming out. Makes things so delicate and dangerous. Especially trying to find out what is what. Plus in that community, there is too much hot headness, overactive confidence which can be worse than ego, Ego due thinking they know history due to lack of self, and confusion and denial. Example is they will say they're spiritual and all else, but because of the sickness and having one foot and out, they just won't here it really, if you try to go more in depth. For online for example, just look on twitter in the #niiji #Americanindian and other sections pertaining too, and some of the people profile post. They reckless promote and post, negative, ignorant things. Some even try to save face by saying don't judge them by what they post. The massive flaw in that saying, that I've spoke about before, is. If others do not know you, and you present yourself a certain way, how can you ask others to not judge you based off how you been acting and presenting yourself?. This misguidance, lostness, lack of awareness, lack of self meaning have not tapped into own soul, and ignorance is far beyond dangerous. I mentioned this before in a previous post. You can't speak such things and act certain ways, then try to cover it up like a child, by saying such irresponsible things. It makes you come off as childish or worse, plus you don't know who you are influencing with this behavior... Back to the First Half. There are those of us from other places who, do not just come to take resources without a care, because of being broke and from bad places, just to take it back to there places. We must find the ones of us that live in North America, who are not from here, like I spoke. The Positive ones who are not on the negative, and are aware and call out the bullshit as well. Work with them to find a way were they can help, establish and build up where they are from. Help establish a healthy trade between our people. This goes into the rebuilding people relations, I mentioned in previous write ups. They along with the ones us from North America, can help call out, keep tabs, and expose the ones of us and ones on their side. That do wicked degenerate things that the wicked always broadcast. Do this both online and in real life... Again, if you want to use my write-ups as a guide to help. Do so.
Again, this was just a short write-up like I mentioned above. Maybe this can help. Thanks if you actually read and tapped into this.
Here are some links related to Rashad:
[Write-Up Status: Oct, 12 2024] Updated