The higher you rise in frequency, the faster your vibration. You can reach such high states in which you can talk with you own self, both your younger self and older self, as "time & space" don't exist in the astrals. Everything and everyone is a reflection of you, and as many times as you been knocked out you've also been able to get back up.
What's keeping you going is the innerstanding that you're stronger than you were the previous time.
We have to rise, then fall, then rise back up
The higher you rise in frequency the stronger the "attacks" will become
You aren't in route to an ascending master/grandmaster without having to prove that the mettle which you carry isn't enough to sway W.I.L.L.Power
Your W.I.L.L. is the strongest form of "magick" there is, so make note that nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in life comes easy, let alone for free.
A fight must be had in order to achieve victory, in order to achieve divine PEACE within self.
But it won't come right away, it's a whole process of innerstanding and gaining insight.
Remember reflection,
Yes. I agree with this absolutely Reflection. I need to focus more with meditation and innerstand more of myself to build and elevate.