Decided returning here after being out for short while. Got a couple more ideas that may can help our people. Just some briefer than usual stuff to touch up on. Will link the other stuff I'd written here as well. Though some here may not care that much for me being here. Maybe what I've shared can help and inspire at least somebody. This is all that matters. i'll try to help the usual way I've been, now that I'm back. If most here don't want that, just say in the comments and I'll go away. If anything is misspelled or messed, sorry, I was in a rush while putting this together. I'll update it if so... I ask for any who reads, to please read this with an open mind, and thoroughly. Tap in if you have to, to see what is true or if you think all is false. If unsure of anything, just ask your soul, I. Ask your spirits and ancestors. Don't just look, tap in as well. Same with here. Tap in, ask who his real and not real. Can you reveal to me while I'm astral traveling? You travel when you rest or however you can. They will tell you what's what, to help you know. Tap in and ask what is under you, underground. Reveal your enemies to you. Souls and Spirits and Ancestors, will help you with anything. They will only have and say positive things, specifically. Most say but don't really get into what it means. Same with the Tap-In stuff. Don't blind-gatekeep and wonder why our people, are lost still and lack specifics.
Community Reads aka Community E-Papers:
I'm going to start creating Community Threads focused on different topics to try and help Organize this Community. This first one will be about Rashad Jamal. So any Updates, Questions or anything. Share links to other post that people post here about him, in the comment section. One thing that may help Organize the comments is to put a Certain Tag ahead of your comment, so it will be easy to find certain things and won't be mess. This is a Thread to keep alive by not just me, but this Community. I will also post links to future community threads, and my write-ups in each one. New and Old. If anything is not correct. Please say in detail in the comments what is not, and where within this thread... I'll have the Upper Case of the title be either: Community Read or Community E-Paper. E' means Electronic or Digital... Remember, any info found that can be useful for whatever. Please download, document, write down and expand on it and share it.
Here are the links to The Reads aka E-Papers on here in order:
Here are the links to my other Post on here:
First Topic: Who (Short Topic To Be Further Developed On)
Instead of people blaming the brand names, for the nonsense. We need to find out who owns and controls these companies and businesses. What do they look like, what are their names? Not just saying it was youtube, twitter, whatever. Who is or are behind them. This is with any business. Who is behind the brand, controlling it and calling the shots and giving the okay and no. Saying the brand name will only help them hide and be away from accountability. Doing this instead of saying the brand names, will have much better results. Put this in practice with the youth. Make videos on it to help spread it. Example of those who heavy influence others of only looking at team names and brand names, and not who is behind them. Are game retrospectives. Ton watch those... Remember, the ones who are in control of the social media outlets are degenerates, who want only confusion and chaos. Constantly seeing negative shit pushed will have some with the defeatist mindset. Saying how all want to see is negative, sexual and foul stuff. Which is false because if go outside and ask do you want to see hoes with they pussy out, and other dumb shit. They'll say no. Truth is, the degenerate stuff is very small in number. The positive stuff that is buried by who is behind the social media outlets, are far larger in number. Keep sweeping stuff under the rug, it will create a huge hill just waiting to tumble and drown the wicked... Social Media Outlets are just like old forums. The Internet is what host the individual accounts. Some become Modders who create their own little space they control. Twitter, youtube, twitch are all small pages controlled by the Moderates. Whenever one is open like twitter was. We should raise the money, there are many was to do this online, like gofundme or something. To buy it. Not wait till a wicked does, then complain about it.
Second Topic: Confusion About Tools (Short Topic) Pt.1
Social Media is a Tool. If that tool is controlled and used by wicked, you get wicked and degenerate results. Just like with a job, if the manager is running things foul then it is because this one manager is foul. None complain when an actual person is in charge, who knows how to run things. The Job is not ruining society or you. It is who is running it. Same with Social Media... When talking about how people move online, it is with the rot corporate mindset. Many lack the knowledge, wisdom and awareness to hear what they speak, when talking. That is why some say they are zombies, because zombies may mumble words but don't know what they mumble. This is most shown with those who have the defeatist mindset. This mindset is a sickness, seeing as most are people are sick. None want to really get into what that means, or don't know how do to lacking the wisdom and knowledge. Examples of this mindset go like this; It don't matter, who cares. Believing in the psyop of the negative controllers of the social media outlets, showing only negative images, so they think that is the world. Kids are doomed and stupid, ain't nothing but hoes, along with the world. And more you may know or have heard for decades. There is a clear difference between ignorant and stupid. Stupid is one who knows, but refuses to change. Ignorant is you simply not knowing. Like some don't know how to change a car tire, so are ignorant til knowing how. Psyop means Psychological Operations.
Going back to how most move false online. It will help if passing on and practicing focusing on only your true supporters to help you grow, instead of quick fix viewers who were there for one thing, to help you in the long run. Your true fan base can pitch in ideas, not just money. Have a stream or video talking to them about what to do and can be done. Telling them to do this and that. You've given back so much, so it isn't wrong for others to finally give back to you. Some try to bastardize this by confusing others that this is begging or e-begging aka digital begging. This and begging are two total different things. Same with how it is bastardized the act of collabs aka collaborations. By saying and staging and showing negative bullshit, to push saying such as; Groups never work, only work alone, working with people is not a good idea, don't trust anybody. Also using degenerates who do constant collabs either online or stuff like comics, to further push it is horrid and hell to work and be together. This goes back to some are not able yet, to be able to think and have awareness. If you are in a relationship, you in collaboration, working together. Are you still together? The lack of awareness and defeatist mindset, has the sick not thinking or wanting to think about it. If you bring up these in-depth topics to a sick aka defeatist mindset, they may get violent or want to get rid you. Try to change the topic, saying childish stuff to run like well why ain't you answering the question. This is due to this sickness keeping ones mentally stagnant, meaning dead, a zombie. If you are alive and trying to talk and breakdown these things, they will try and get you. If any have knowledge on how crack addicts work. You may see surreal similarities. Especially if trying to tell them something, to not talk down on them but try to help. Some will be scared and try to escape using similar tactics. Like they don't care about others, they just find all this stuff entertaining. This is a lie. Ones who do not care and find it simply entertaining, are going to look into things deeply as you do, talk about a lot as you do. Truth is that you have one foot in and one foot out. Ready to run. Scared to stand straight on two feet... These sick are multiple things. One they are the Sleeper Agents for the wicked, who helped control them. They are right there with the wicked's enforcers. Damn near perfect silent assassins, who are unaware of their mission they do. Why would any suspect. They are not loud or weirdo. They talk and act like normal people would, you could listen and conversation with. Along with you, they call out these sellouts online who sell pussy to children, who make up most of online. By having hoes showing ass, pussy and bouncing on dick while sitting on a chair in these fake big streamer videos and whatnot. However if pay attention and remember what I wrote earlier about the defeatist mindset. You will notice, hear... Some who do the entertainment stuff have always used it as a scapegoat. May say that they are not hear to teach, just to have fun, they don't care. This that common lie used to escape responsibility, accountability and your influence. Ones who don't care will never say a thing like they throat slit, no matter because they truly do not care. Ones who hide, practice cowardism, having one foot in and one foot out. Will constant contradict their self. On one hand will say what was just written, but then contradict this by calling out foul shit in the same area you reside; entertainment. Which is a powerful tool, they'll even admit. Will also give a lesson by saying see this is why you don't do- Whatever along the lies, you've probably heard it. If pay attention, they will call out others who do the same coward shit they do, but in a more piece of shit way. Basically this promotes the practice of lack of responsibility and degeneracy, along with some of the past stuff written above. The Base of a degenerate is to rot the youth... Back to the Silent Assassin stuff. Again, these individual who I mention that are not positive are and have always been small in number. When something is small and insecure, they will try to seem big. Remember the social media outlet controller's job? One of the ways these Silent Assassin Sleeper Agents work is this. If you ever spoke to somebody and they strangely began at you. Remember how the sick work. Either it be online or in real life. Notice how others magically gathers. You may ask one why. They will respond, they just wanted to see how you'd handle it. The main assassin while talking to them, sends off of signal to the others. If you are deemed to be too strong, then oddly a thing may happen where cops just show up. One may lie. Some say they don't know what's going on. Then it it transferred to the online space to be twisted. Sound familiar?
Second Topic Mid-Section: Confusion About Relationship (Short Topic) Pt.1
Short saying on the relationship stuff. Some do not know what intimacy really is. It is not just sex. Intimacy is looking at something, talking, thinking about another, hand shakes or any form of touch, hanging out. So on and so on. This applies for both males and females. This needs to deeply spoken about. We can't keep using busy as an excuse. People's priorities are fucked up. Value their job or those who really matter. If something happens to you, your job is not going be their for you. We can't get mad at out children when you are not even their to raise them, only the wicked are. Then using TV and other tools as an excuse to why, when it was really you. Would you rather make excuses talking about how are you supposed to provide if not work, and have you unit be a damn mess, either with are just who you're sexual with? Or no lights and a true togetherness. This goes into how people just like saying things, but not wanting to go into really. For example. Some like to use the fatherless excuse. What is not talked about is this. How did the mother treat them. If have a father, mother or just one. How did they treat and raise them? Parent-less is just a quick fix bullshit say. Some have entire family units who are bad to them, and end up in porn or something. If try to bring this is, it all goes back to that slit throat, and get rid of you. Remember the one foot in and out. These individual are not just fucked or not comfy by what you say. They don't who or what they are, due to always running. When run, it is one foot in and out. Each step created a piece of floor that falls, trying not to fall, trying to escape. But they run back and back. Why? What they run from appears here, they run back over there. This called a loop, a death loop. Remember that zombie stuff. Recall the contradictions, because as they run they look and judge, but also claim not to care. If you are out in public with somebody, if you don't care, you're not going to look at who passes. Yet the one who claims not care, may ask did you see that person. You may say no. Why would that be?... Why do females and males alter their bodies, because they think pieces selves are ugly, due to lack of knowledge and wisdom and awareness, so it is easy for the poison to get in them? We need to find, study, tap into and write down things pertaining to our bodies and the deepness of intimacy and sex. The Youth need this just as much as their elders. Some females and males think their genitals are ugly or bad. Lack of what was just mentioned will cause this. Then the excuses will work, like fake bbl butt or breasts and so on. If no one is pushing with aggression and constancy, reaching out to others online and in real life. That is how the parasite thrives... This relationship stuff goes into what crabs in the barrel and ghetto really is. Ghetto is not a place, it is more of a mindset. Same with the crab barrel. Remember the family unit thing? Crab thing is created from those lack of support, so when see a younger, they feel some type of way because they feel because they young that they have more a chance. Leading to more abuse, leading to lack of self care in many ways, leading to lack of care for the environment. Leading to certain attitudes due to self-loathe and low confidence and fear. Some may start to define this as ghetto. Why then if this only exist in visually poor places, then why is this also found in those so-called rich gate communities or anywhere else? Remember how the slit throat reaction works. If the gears in the mind or frozen, whenever they were froze, possibly childhood where it is most targeted towards. Children. When the gears start moving, and the child has to be on their own. How will that kid react, and express themselves? Just like how kids may call it gay if they get a kiss or hug, because they don't know how to express that uncomfy or weird feeling... Remember, some just like saying stuff without knowing what they are saying, or what stuff means. Since we outnumber them, it is our job to constantly with aggression to cal them out, and tell these kids the truth. Some don't even know the difference between a fact, believe, I know and truth. Fact and believe always changes. The Truth does not. You can disguise a fact as truth, but the real truth will never change. For you to truly know, you must know the truth. Short Example is by knowing the truth that you are not supposed to fuck you daughter, cousin or son. You will know how to live. Wicked Manipulates will say that incest, selling daughters into slavery and swimming in food you eat is culture. That is lie, a fact that is argued because wicked like confusion. Notice facts are always debated by cowards and the wicked. Both may even disguise the truth as fact, get fraud to be an actor and spread misinformation... This is still on the relation topic, because this goes into people relations. We need to make accounts all over any social media outlet, that are just about posting the wickedness of other people, that the negative controllers want to forget. Which is why they constant flood their website with bullshit. Create these accounts to constant remind others of the crimes. If the news or whatever comes out says their was a shooting in the usa, or these people over in euroasia go blown up. Knowing how they manipulate images and videos. Create contacts with other both online and in real life, who live there or have contacts there. See if it is true, these so-called disasters. Take pictures and film a video. How do you know that or those pictures of them people or person is real. How do know what the article says if real. Some lack so much awareness, they will speak you can't believe this because of what I just mentioned, but will see one or more articles and not even practice what they preach, by saying we must not believe all that comes from the enemy, we must look into it. Posted the real stuff on these accounts. Be organized with them, have threads dedicated to specific topics. Not just post and have it damn mess. Not just online, create your own physical articles with pictures, where you got the stuff. Truth. Check people and call out the frauds who will try and scam or ruin. Make this a practice. The point of uplifting, giving knowledge, wisdom and help to others. Is so they can help themselves, and not have to come back to you like a doctor who gets paid by their subjects returning due to not helping them... Have our own researches and reporters and so on. Just like a business with each floor being for a specific job. We must create this, both online and off. We don't need no school papers for this. One of the things many of our people seem to not click, is the saying of everything we need is inside us. Humans don't have souls to tap into or spirit team to help ask, if this or these can be trusted or is bullshit. We as Gods and Goddesses do. This can help finding who we need. We are not no Monkey Ass Human. One quick thing to know pertaining to Humans and their projections due insecurities. This goes into the our own research thing. This pertains to anatomy and genetics. Look into Vestigal Tail aka Pseudotail. Along with Hypertrichosis aka Werewolf Syndrome aka Cantu Syndrome... Had mentioned porn at several points in my writings here. Along with prostitutes. We need to go out on these streets and help get them off of them. Some prostitutes are not even in their twenties yet, they would the easiest to talk to and help. There are many ways to help create support for others. Finance or not. Talk to them, help them set something up. Look at all the options. They most likely never even thought that deep before, or are just scared. Why? We must get to the bottom of it. It is not about getting everybody. That is a defeatist mindset. It is about getting all who you can, because you don't know who may see and be inspired, influenced to do the same. This is true for porn people, if you anything about the horrors of the industry, and how their version of missionaries go out and get 18 year olds or younger, or older. Rape, drugs, same tactics and spells they do for the music industry and worse, since it is all connected. Older ones having intercourse with who far younger. If 18 then will have or force them to get with a 15 year old. Or if twenties or if thirties. Incest promotion even if the ones in the video are grown. This is to program and make normal, incest, mainly to the youth who be watching, among with others. It can a literal grandma, so clear their age, but the video title will say something about a teen or sister or brother or whatever else. Even worse stuff behind the scenes. Get it? Some of these people you can try and contact, and actually have a conversation with, to help them and others. They may know major players, and locations to help hunt down who needs to be killed. Worst than porn are the 20 vs Videos, and pop balloon. Reason why is because not only is it Humiliation Rituals. But it goes into that selling pussy and negative sexual shit to kids. It is worse because with porn, you have to go out of your way to watch it. Those videos are pushed to the front, right there. Any of the Humiliation Ritual Videos from our people are bad, because it promotes degeneracy, and other... We must reach out to as many people of ours as we can, on these social media outlets and in real life. I spoke more about this in one of past writings here, I'll link below. We have to have those who are high enough, disciplined enough, have the knowledge, wisdom and so on necessary to be mediators and managers. To stuff like this together. For example is this website. Why not have a collective meeting about what to do, how to do, active managers aka moderators. You don't need a little symbol by your name to help organize, be a bind. Keep up on things. Stuff I've mentioned before and still mention. Online is a tool to help contact others easier. Remember the tool, support and other stuff mentioned? Kids be the ones who're make up online. What about that? Some of these degenerates like the twitch c.e.o, Dan Clancy, an old man who has shown on live video he only like hoes. Ever wonder why twitch is being compared to a porn site? Why the hoes get a slap on the wrist? Twitch is owned by amazon as well. Who owns that? Where are these social media outlet's headquarters? Youtube's is in 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, California, USA. If there is a problem, you could just pull up, the whole bunch of us. Youtube is owned by google. Google Headquarter is 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California. Twitch Headquarters is 350 Bush Street in San Francisco, California. Remember about who is behind these, who owns?. Lots probably do not even know about this. It also goes back into that fear stuff, with the True Gangs. Find out not only this, but videos, websites, articles that push lies and get them taken down, as a collective. Spam the report button or something. Spam the emails of who you need to. Better yet, pull up as a huge fearless group to these places that push these poison mental drugs, put a stop to it. Keep it up consistent, not just once then stop. As a group, but remember about having out own reporters, it won't matter if they try to lie because we have all the evidence. Some have to die for things to get better... The making this a practice and working on getting rid of the fear, is the main thing to do. Otherwise the other stuff will always fall.
Second Topic Mid-Section: Confusion About Fear (Short Topic) Pt.2
Shortly returning back to fear, from the starting point of Scared to stand straight on two feet. This fear needs to be spoken and sought into more. Tap in. You can not try to awaken or uplift others, if they are still caught in that main mental bind, known as fear. Yes, they know now. But what use are you if scared to do actual action? Fear then doubt. Most are taught to fear ones who fear them the most. All the enforcers fear you more, plus you out number them. The fear is so bad, most can witness a cop raping a child in the middle of the street, and y'all will just stand there with phones. Phone isn't bad because of evidence. What most will think and fear, is the bullshit revolving around not wanting to go to jail, not wanting a record. Enforcers are rapist. All the way down to raping prostitutes. Just think what may happen if they say no, to a devil rot and delusional cop. Family being touched up, perhaps? Who knows. Then you got the coward cartel, yakuza, mafia. Some call their gang people, family even. All that have an actual leader, elders who pass on their plan and have leaders who lead. Our people's so-called Gangs are not gangs, because the leaders are not there. It is just kids who are doing all they've ever known. That is not a gang, if anything it a group of lost misfits. Who can be easily manipulated.
Second Topic: Confusion About Tools (Short Topic) Pt.2
Going back to supporters, which started with how most move false online, either by not knowing how to move or otherwise. Those who truly support you will have zero issue being asked or told how to help you. That is the whole point of having those who genuinely support you. Most are stagnant because they focus on things that don't matter, and don't care about them, or simply just money. This will freeze you in place. You grow first then the money comes. The money earns you. That is why when you grow like a plant, the money then comes to you. Not the other way around. What I'm saying is bigger than money. True support will always be better than any amount of money. This can be applied to a ton of things. It takes not just you, but your true supporters to help grow a business. Knowledge, Wisdom and True Support will forever be better than any number of money... Just like how steve urkel focused and gave all his energy to a weak treacherous hoe that never cared, instead of one who possibly did and could help uplift him and help him build. Money is the hoe for most, and that hoe has no power unless given it. Money needs you to give it value and power, just like hoes. The mindset must switch to focus on actual stuff to help grow. Most are ignorant or too young to know how to actually move, so they go the negative way, the corporate way. That is the wrong way. This creates stress and confusion... You are the molder and creator of your community and decide how it operates. It is the elders job to help uplift the younger, and the younger's job to keep who is older than them up to date. If none are willing to help each other, talk bad about each other like dog eat dog and only have wicked and degenerates be at the front, it will only rot people further. Kids don't know any better, they are not stupid, they just don't know anything else other than what they've only been introduced too. We were all once young and did dumb or stupid stuff until we got guidance somehow. If you're an elder and know better, but talk bad about the youth or do nothing, that makes you worse because you know better, yet don't do anything. That would put one as a degenerate because a degenerates main job, is to rot and corrupt the young. This is the true base of a degenerate. Stupid is one who knows but refuses to change or do anything. Ignorant is simply you don't know. Remember this?... This is still on topic because of how influence and viewership really works. Example is you may have an account, so you are counted as one viewer, but you are watching in a room either on a pc or tv. How many others are in that room watching that don't have an account? So 5, 50 or 300 views can be far more. Far more minds you are influencing... Viewership and Watchers are to total different things. Watcher is the person or people behind the screen. Viewership are the numbers. That is why some use Viewbots, because the numbers can be more easy, and faster manipulated than a person can be. Lots of video views in the million or more, work in the same system used to fluff up artists album sale numbers. Ever thought how and why does this person get so many views, or whatever? Remember about the negative controllers, who lie?
Links and Short Descriptions:
Here I will link a couple things that may can further help. Along with short writing for more context and what can be done.
(Part 1) Larry Hoover Book & Website to further help & Video rashad did on larry hoover:
Rashad Jamal Video:
Mentioned Website that may help:
Another video found:
(Part 2) Books, Info and Health
Here I will link some stuff I've before and some I've not. Remember and this is what must be done. Pertaining to health and other info from the soul or elsewhere, that is true and can help. We must download the videos, physically and digitally write down and document and expand on the information and give it to our people. However remember the soul and how to tell, stuff. Example is sea moss and all its benefits. We must move away and start a movement where we rid the hoe called money. As easy as it is for any to start a going, we will start this. First we can gather up the funds and buy up entire stores and supplies. Power Generators, Power Banks, Power Stations. Bikes, E-bikes, Books, Whatever. Giving it to the our people, with detailed written books or documents with pictures, about it and how to use it. While giving them the same inspiration and info I'm about to mention. Record and put it on social media outlets, tik tok or something. Be aggressive and consistent. No fear. Push it while giving detailed specific instruction on why to rid the money, and how we will support ourselves this way. Don't create a business just to sell it for more money, just so it will be another boared random building. I spoke on this before. That is not creating riches and wealth and generational wealth. Those are three different things. True Wealth is True Wisdom, True Knowledge. Not just with you, but to be passed on to your children, your partner. Sharing some of this with other youth and elders, is called Shared Generational Wealth. Rich pertained to the material. A stupid person can be "rich" but is just a stupid person with money. Don't mean they can tell anything. Most can not, not truly... Get others to contact book reviewers of our own people to help spread our works. Either contact the authors to this next thing, or just buy up our people's works that are true, and give them out to the people for free, as it should be. Not just a blind give, remember what was written. How many of our people are in bad shit, but can't get help because of lack of money, because others won't help unless you pay in that fake green pussy. When the real green pussy we will be helping is this planet... We should also collect our knowledge into something processable, contact others of us with influence. Example is rdcworld1. They're very influential with our people, but may not know how powerful they really are. They could help inspire, encourage, uplift, give knowledge to more. Same with our own animators and artists... Some of our people have and own entire comic lines. Have you or them or their team thought about acquiring stuff like Afro Samurai, and other properties with our people in it? Getting in contact with the authors? Create & control book & animation circuits like this? Have them be private owned instead of public or something? Thought about creating your own comic & animation studio. Just our people as employees. Doesn't gotta be big. Instead of working with other companies, be yalls own big company, be your & control your own. Get those influencer of our I had brought as an idea, to help. They can put a big event together, like dreamcon for example, they can do this. Don't have to have a so-called big building. People on youtube who talk through discord or whatever, are able to do this without so called big timers bullshit. So will we. Again, there's many ways to help fund this. As for our own people as employees, there're plenty of us as artists and are experienced in this kinda stuff. Some may have been inspired by older magazines, from around. We will be bigger than shonen & all the others. Create a better comic mag like shonen or better. Could have guest artist on there to help exposure. Look all over these social media outlets, our people creating all forms of art. Bookmark them. Create a list. Contact. Learn from these other companies mess-ups, and do and be better than them. We must have our businesses be private and controlled only by us. We can't say we have our own, by ourselves. Yet are working alongside or co'op with enemy companies, that never care about us... Also try and talk to the ones of us who model. Espesially our Goddesses, since their soul aka magnetism attracts greater. Imagine if we had some Models to help us. Same for the sex workers, if success talking to them. Get them away from that bullshit, and to better things. Especially for our Ether on our head. Male and Female for this. Negative spirits and who know what else, infect the fake hair sold to our Goddesses, which can cause them to act out. We have to create our own wigs, with our own stuff and positive energy and spirits. No hair... Again, we have souls and our spirits and ancsestors. They don't care if we ask and use them, to help like I mentioned before. Get together, think of a plan and how to talk to the ones of us that are not like us yet. Can't just throw this spirit stuff at them, no matter if it is true. This goes in the management stuff.
First here is Rashad Jamal Video where talks about that tail and hair stuff I mentioned:
Dr. Llaila Afrika has stuff in his lectures that are good as well (Find his lectures, download them, write down what's in themm and expand ond them. Along with the others and again, the sea moss stuff and others you find. Share them:
1.) - Dr Llaila Afrika
2.) - DR. SEBI
3.) - Yahki Awakened
Here is a Goddess @estarsuniverse -
Here are two of her videos:
Here is tribe stuff as well:
I've put these two before, but here they are again for more added context to that wig stuff, pertaining to the chemical stuff:
Just look into chemicals in wigs, how they are made, who makes them.
Here is a book that could be of use, if found: Until we can fully tap in to our souls and the planet, to know all things. We must do what we can, pertaining to books.
1.) Sea Moss & Other Stuff. Make sure to download these videos, archive them wherever you can. Rumble, Archive dot org. Wherever and share them among each other. But make sure you have copies, just in case. The channel of the list has other stuff as well:
2.) Books and People I have and have not linked before, that may can help:
Book 1:
3.) People and Artist Part: People (No matter a streamer or someone in real life. Try and contact our own people. Look into these people and more you may find.) - Tasha Xi - Tasha Xi - Tasha Xi - Dane Calloway
Instagram: @danecalloway
Twitter: @danecalloway_ (American Indian Stuff)
TikTok: @danecalloway_ - Taneisha Calloway - REAL TALK with Tim and Phoebe - ChroniclesOfJudah 144 - ChroniclesOfJudah 144 (He uses just patreon now) - lyndosama - Chhavi Zaine Tarot Investigator7777 - The Black Hokage - The Black Hokage - The Black Hokage - darvidosiris - darvidosiris - Kain Carter - Kain Carter
Example of finding our own who's into books and will review them: - Chocolate Covered Pages
3.) People and Artist Part: Artist, Vlog, Blog and Maybe Other (No matter a streamer or someone in real life. Try and contact our own people.) - Shawn James (Does Comics) - Mellavelli (Animator & Comics) - Whyt Manga (Does Manga & CoFounder Saturday AM Manga Brand) - Whyt Manga - Saturday AM - Artyz Artifacts (Draws)
Here is the second half with the vlog, blog, model stuff: Cloth overhaul videos is good search to find Goddesses and Gods who could model. Just type black male or women. (Some have other Social Medias) - Regina Jay (Female Model. Has a tik tok, twitter, instagram) - STYLUPAFRICA - Michelle McDaniel - Tayy Bann - TheChicNatural - Jo Michelle - Tiana Michelle - Bigheadjustice - Eveh - CurlFriendAri - Iyana LeShea - Diamond G. - Misselamye - Lily Dior Official - (Food) - (Food & Model Stuff) - (Guns & Model Stuff) (Our people who know guns our useful. Also ones of us who can fight.) - (Weapons) - (Mechanical stuff) - (Pertains the comic stuff) - (Lake Lanier & other stuff)
This just some to get some started, our people are all over social media outlets and real life. Find out artist, make a list, share around wherever you can. We must get together for real and organize. Not just always be saying meditate and whatever else. As said before, Online is a tool that must be used to our advantage. We out number even online. We must get more than serious, work on mainly getting rid the fear, first. Our moves need to be aggressive, consistent, cautious and intellectual. Have better connections, interactions and management on this website. Actually talk in the comments or if you an app. Not just Ase, or whatever. Simply saying that without any true connecting, is the same as getting injured and instead of help, people say well they'll pray for you. Make more true moves in real life, behind closed doors. Make connections, relations, regain control of the online space. Many foolishy shit on Online, while the Wicked laugh and use it to rape the minds, souls and spirits more. Please, y'all. Get it together and get together. Learn how to truly use these tools. Again, please work on ridding that fear in our people's minds. Fear prevents ones from fighting back. You can not be arrested if we don't let them arrest us, working together. We got what they got and more. I've mentioned this before. If some of this stuff I put before, it is because this was more of short update post. I've contacted some of these people's comment sections, some stuff I wrote here is an extension of that. Hope it helps.
[Write-Up Status: Oct, 12 2024] Updated
Comics, Manga and Games could be a help to break down. For example with Resident Evil. The T-Virus. T' could be Tiamat? Look into the lore. Youtube channel called Evil Blitz has resident evil lore videos. Fromsoftware games. Junji Ito. Lovecraftian squid monsters and other ways they monsterfy us. Look at Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance and the stuff and cutscenes and lore. It is all right there. Now how do they know this? For comics you go to wikis, comic vine, comic review channels or just read them. Their powers, symbols, lore. All chopped and screwed all across to confuse. Some straight lies as well. Comics, Games, Manga, Books both new and old. Have livestreams, and create videos if you can. Do not just read. Do! Talk ans uplift your youth, in your family or local. Breakdown the Mason's and Other Dog House lies. Their job is to steal and hide our stuff, then demonize it. Tap-in like I spoke and study frequency in songs, break that down. Some of you probably are deep with music. It is all connected and I try to make some things clear, in my writings.